Wednesday, August 6, 2008

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Abuse and Neglect Specialist Cyndi Sauchak described Jason's church attire, white shirt, dark pants and a tie, to the grand jury, 'It struck me that it was very neat and clean, contrary to the environment around.'
Sauchak defines the overall condition of the home as chaotic, 'Not just debris, but unkept, stained carpeting, odors in a home that are associated with long term inattention.'
Sauchak explains investigators had to be careful to avoid feces from birds and dogs as they moved about the house.
CSI Deborah Brotherson photographed the kitchen. She described the refrigerator, 'There is some milk. It wasn't stocked in my opinion to have four young children and it wasn't exactly clean.'
Brotherson photographed a second refrigerator in the bedroom where Stan and Colleen Rimer slept. She explains, 'It had more food in it and the general condition of the upstairs versus the downstairs was considerably cleaner.'
Both Brotherson and Sauchak told the grand jury they had difficulty navigating the house due to boxes, furniture and debris scattered and stacked throughout the 3,400 square foot home.
Of the children's bedrooms, Sauchak said, 'What I recall about them is they did not look as though they were, for lack of a better word, habitable.'
The children testified they regularly slept together in the family room because it was cooler than the rest of the house
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LAHORE, Aug 03 (APP): About fifty refrigerators worth thousands of rupees reduced to ashes when fire broke out in a shop at Kot Abdul Malik here on Sunday.
According to Rescue-1122 spokesman, three units of Rescue fire service reached the spot and controlled the fire after one hour hectic efforts.
However, no loss of life was reported. Cause behind the fire was stated to be short circuiting, he added.

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