Friday, August 8, 2008

Discount appliance refrigerator

Dear Lynne: Why does the steak I leave wrapped in my refrigerator spoil, but the meat left in the refrigerator at the steak house is 'aged,' and costs the Earth?
A Steak Lover
in Las Vegas
Dear Steak Lover: What we are talking about here is uncontrolled or controlled deterioration. The wrapped steak in your refrigerator is careering into deterioration without the brakes on. Wrapping means there is no air circulating around it to keep the bacteria that spells spoilage from developing. Also, it is too small a piece of meat to successfully age.
Aging in the positive sense is done by hanging large cuts of meat, like the center rib section, or sirloin in a cooler with controlled humidity and temperatures between 34 and 38 degrees. Air must circulate around the cut
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Tuna prepared this way is somewhere between fresh and canned. Let's called it 'conserved,' to honor its inspiration, the old Italian tradition of preserving meat under olive oil, sometimes called conservata.
Especially now, when Southern California's summer albacore run is heating up and neighborhood fishermen are bringing home their catch, this is something you've just got to try.
Here's how you do it: Cut fresh tuna in big chunks and poach it in olive oil flavored with garlic and spices over very low heat just until the meat begins to flake -- about 15 minutes. Cool in the pan and then store, in the flavored olive oil, in the refrigerator.
Source link:,0,6483624.story


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Ed Flynn: The theory of planned obsolescence and me
(by Ed Flynn - August 06, 2008)
We bought a new refrigerator last week. We didn t really want to. Our old one wasn t really that old, less than five years, but apparently, just as they don t write songs or make movies like they used to, they don t produce appliances that last as long either. Twice within the last six months my wife had gone to the kitchen to find that it had stopped running and there was a flood from melting ice cubes and defrosted food spreading across the floor.
Maybe it could have been fixed again but the serviceman didn t seem to know what was really causing the problem. Replacing a part may have gotten it humming again but frankly we had lost confidence in it
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Thursday, August 7, 2008

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A recent study from the University of Arizona, along with internal research, suggests that the average U.S. household throws out well in excess of $500 worth of fruits, vegetables, leftovers and other food items every year due to spoilage. Much of this waste can be reduced by proper refrigeration, the reduction of ethylene gas in the refrigerator, and food storage education.
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Especially eating. They put our bottomless-pit grandsons to shame. My wife wore a path to the grocery all week, not to mention trips to fast-food and ice cream joints. They're good girls, though, and fun to be around when they're not eating. (I nearly lost a hand once when I got between them and the refrigerator.) I asked Madison, who will enter the seventh grade soon, what she likes to do at school. 'I'm into drama,' she said. 'Say, that's great,' I said, impressed. 'I work with a guy who acts and directs and works backstage at a community theater
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1/3 pound fresh spinach, washed well and stemmed
1 cup sour cream
2/3 cup mayonnaise
1 cup canned artichokes, drained well and chopped
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 pound Swiss cheese, grated
8 large firm tomatoes
Salt to taste
1/4 cup panko bread crumbs or favorite bread crumbs
Steam the spinach until tender, about 3 minutes. Remove and press to drain the water. Coarsely chop the spinach. In a bowl, stir together the spinach, sour cream, mayonnaise, artichokes, garlic salt and cheese. Set the mixture in the refrigerator while preparing the tomatoes.
Wash tomatoes and slice off the top quarter of each one. Scoop out the pulp and seeds, leaving a solid wall of tomato flesh. Sprinkle lightly with salt, invert on racks and set aside for 30 minutes before stuffing.
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees
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5 since the pass is 45 minutes later in the evening, which should make the ISS seem much brighter.' And a piece of space junk may be visible on the evening of Aug. 2. A refrigerator-sized ammonia servicing unit that once cooled electronics on the ISS should come into view at about 8:40 p.m., low over the northwestern horizon. It will climb slowly in the sky and appear to pass very close to the star Vega, and will disappear at 8:44:10 p.m. low in the southeast
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rv fires refrigerator

But I do know that nothing tastes better than a $3 watermelon from Roffman's. Especially if you're listening to 'A Prairie Home Companion' on the radio while you're eating the watermelon.
After I was through cutting up the watermelon, I put it into the refrigerator next to a plate of fresh sliced tomatoes that my wife cut up earlier in the day. I think the tomatoes came from Roffman's too. I don't know why, but knowing that I had fresh watermelon and tomatoes sitting in our refrigerator made me feel good.
I also had three hamburger patties sitting in the refrigerator
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Richard Raymond. Without electricity or a cold source, foods stored in refrigerators and freezers can become unsafe. Bacteria in food grow rapidly at temperatures between 40 and 140 F, and if these foods are consumed, people can become very sick.
Steps to follow to prepare for a possible weather emergency: Keep an appliance thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer. An appliance thermometer will indicate the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer in case of a power outage and help determine the safety of the food. Make sure the freezer is at 0 F or below and the refrigerator is at 40 F or below. Freeze containers of water for ice to help keep food cold in the freezer, refrigerator or coolers after the power is out. Freeze refrigerated items such as leftovers, milk and fresh meat and poultry that you may not need immediately this helps keep them at a safe temperature longer. Plan ahead and know where dry ice and block ice can be purchased
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illiam 'The Refrigerator Perry waves to the crowd before the RedHawks' game at Bricktown Ballpark on Saturday. by BRYAN TERRY, THE OKLAHOMAN
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Abuse and Neglect Specialist Cyndi Sauchak described Jason's church attire, white shirt, dark pants and a tie, to the grand jury, 'It struck me that it was very neat and clean, contrary to the environment around.'
Sauchak defines the overall condition of the home as chaotic, 'Not just debris, but unkept, stained carpeting, odors in a home that are associated with long term inattention.'
Sauchak explains investigators had to be careful to avoid feces from birds and dogs as they moved about the house.
CSI Deborah Brotherson photographed the kitchen. She described the refrigerator, 'There is some milk. It wasn't stocked in my opinion to have four young children and it wasn't exactly clean.'
Brotherson photographed a second refrigerator in the bedroom where Stan and Colleen Rimer slept. She explains, 'It had more food in it and the general condition of the upstairs versus the downstairs was considerably cleaner.'
Both Brotherson and Sauchak told the grand jury they had difficulty navigating the house due to boxes, furniture and debris scattered and stacked throughout the 3,400 square foot home.
Of the children's bedrooms, Sauchak said, 'What I recall about them is they did not look as though they were, for lack of a better word, habitable.'
The children testified they regularly slept together in the family room because it was cooler than the rest of the house
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LAHORE, Aug 03 (APP): About fifty refrigerators worth thousands of rupees reduced to ashes when fire broke out in a shop at Kot Abdul Malik here on Sunday.
According to Rescue-1122 spokesman, three units of Rescue fire service reached the spot and controlled the fire after one hour hectic efforts.
However, no loss of life was reported. Cause behind the fire was stated to be short circuiting, he added.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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Sub-Zero's New Refrigerators Have Food-Fresh Filters, UV Light Cleaning
Posted on: Monday, 4 August 2008, 09:00 CDT
It's rare that a new refrigerator makes news. Most changes come in stylesuch as the French door refrigerator or the fridge in a drawer.
But this innovation really is news.
Want your food to last longer as prices escalate? This refrigerator will do it, but it's going to cost you big bucks. Sub-Zero, the darling of the high-end kitchen, has introduced a series of refrigerators that combine built-in good looks with an antimicrobial filtration system that promises to keep food fresher longer.
'Every 20 minutes the air is cleansed and scrubbed with ultraviolet light,' Ryan DeGraffenreid, district sales manager of Sub-Zero, said as we toured the Hollywood, Fla., showroom
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Microwaves use about half the electricity of a stove or oven and cook food in significantly less time.

Refrigerators and freezers operate most efficiently when they're full but not overloaded.

Allow at least one inch of space on each side of your refrigerator for circulation. Poor airflow can increase your refrigerator's energy consumption by up to 10 percent.

Minimize the number of times you open and close doors to the outside
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Also, no matter how fabulous the produce, resist the urge to buy more than you'll eat, so you don't end up wasting money. ShopSmart says that ideally, you want to buy fruits that are in season for great quality. And you can always ask the produce clerk what's good today. They'll know what shipments have just come in. Here are the experts recommendations for choosing and storing some of the most popular produce: Apples should have smooth clear skin, which should not wrinkle when you rub your thumb across it. Store in a cool dark place or the refrigerator, away from strong smelling foods that may spoil the taste. Avocados should have dark-green to black skin and 'give' when you squeeze it without feeling soft. Store in a brown paper bag at room temperature, and speed up ripening by putting an apple or banana in the bag. Berries should be plump and dry with a sweet aroma. Store unwashed, in the refrigerator, in a covered contrainer. Grapes should be large and plump with bright color and attached stems
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