Friday, August 8, 2008

Discount appliance refrigerator

Dear Lynne: Why does the steak I leave wrapped in my refrigerator spoil, but the meat left in the refrigerator at the steak house is 'aged,' and costs the Earth?
A Steak Lover
in Las Vegas
Dear Steak Lover: What we are talking about here is uncontrolled or controlled deterioration. The wrapped steak in your refrigerator is careering into deterioration without the brakes on. Wrapping means there is no air circulating around it to keep the bacteria that spells spoilage from developing. Also, it is too small a piece of meat to successfully age.
Aging in the positive sense is done by hanging large cuts of meat, like the center rib section, or sirloin in a cooler with controlled humidity and temperatures between 34 and 38 degrees. Air must circulate around the cut
Source link:

Tuna prepared this way is somewhere between fresh and canned. Let's called it 'conserved,' to honor its inspiration, the old Italian tradition of preserving meat under olive oil, sometimes called conservata.
Especially now, when Southern California's summer albacore run is heating up and neighborhood fishermen are bringing home their catch, this is something you've just got to try.
Here's how you do it: Cut fresh tuna in big chunks and poach it in olive oil flavored with garlic and spices over very low heat just until the meat begins to flake -- about 15 minutes. Cool in the pan and then store, in the flavored olive oil, in the refrigerator.
Source link:,0,6483624.story


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